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What a beautiful horror game. The isolated hotel captures every possible vibe that you would expect when finding yourself in a hotel in the middle of nowhere.

Despite the hotel's drab appearance and meager offerings, I find myself wanting to stay here. Wait, how did I get here again?

terrific game, just the kind of horror i enjoy. weird, twisted, leaving you on your toes. the ambiance is great, the ost really gets you immersed. wish it was longer but at the same time its just the right length. definitely a favorite.


This game take story and horror elements to create a beautiful and deep tangle of emotions. I adored this game and want to see it go further. Thank you. Please see my play through (I got lost in the beauty of the ambience a few times) Please like and sub. 


L.T. is depressing, with a sort of creepiness that relies more on history than gameplay. A perfect start for an upcoming developer and I only hope to see what else it has on the table.

If you want to check it how it runs on Steam Deck just press the link below:


Really liked that, unique story and a different style of horror but it all worked quite well together. Joe gave me an actual heart attack by accident at one point and basically everything had me creeped out, so good job developer! Would love to see what else you come up with!

J'ai beaucoup aimer bravo ! =)

Welp.. Totally wasn't expecting that..

Good game overall.


Very nice atmospheric horror game. It's focused heavily on exploration with no real combat. It's definitely worth giving it a try. 


Really cool! I'm typically pretty picky with horror games on here but I really enjoyed the effort put into this one.

Loved this game. The story line was good and i loved the music. It kept me interested the whole time. I usually just give up or get bored, but this kept my attention. Great Job!! 10/10!

This game is so amazing! 10/10. I don’t even know what to say or how to describe how much I loved this game, keep up the good work!

This game makes me want hugs and not because of fear. 10/10

so good, amazing job

This game is a masterpiece, please do more like this!


This game really is something special. Rarely do I ever see something that so clearly has so much love and care put into making a vision come to life. It really feels like a look into a truly unique world.


Very interesting and creepy game. I really enjoyed playing this game and I did a playthrough that I will link below if you are interested in seeing my reaction.


10/10 a FUCKING masterpiece, this game has SOOOO much more soul than half of the AAA horror games coming out today. today you gained a fan :)


Really fun and creepy game with some very strange characters. The puzzles aren't too difficult, but definitely enjoyable so far. Here's the first part of my gameplay, thanks so much!

An interesting game. Great story. We had a lot of fun with it.

It was an awesome game and story, simple with good satisfaction. Just expect a little more horror theme but it is fine. Thanks man for such a great work!


Is this the full version and it's for free?




I feel ashamed of calling my game "Lynchian" compared to this one, which I feel perfectly captures that tone. I sense an influence from Lost Highway?

The writing is so clean yet evocative, my favorite piece of text being the note about the mirror (Best note in any game hands down).

This game is my ideal level of scary; the horror serves the narrative and vice versa, it doesn't feel gratuitous at any point. However more compelling about this game is the overwhelming sense of loneliness and malaise the designer has created through a combination of tone, music, writing and atmosphere.

My one criticism is the visuals leave something to be desired, but even then it didn't distract me, besides; I imagine this is just a stepping stone to future efforts which makes me incredibly excited for future projects. 

Thanks, that was really nice to read.


I'm pretty impressed, the story kept me engaged and it remained interesting throughout.. the ending is something I see people complain about but I actually enjoyed it. 

It almost feels like something David Lynch would have created in a way..  it leaves mystery

I didn't want it to end, but I felt it was just the right amount of gameplay .. I like that we were left with some mystery...  what we know for sure is when you arrive, you don't leave.

Good job!

(3 edits) (+2)(-2)

I really enjoyed this game, the whole aesthetic was amazing. I enjoyed the characters, however and this is a big however. The ending ruined the game, I'm sorry, that twist wasn't good and it just didn't fit in with the progression. I like the game a lot don't get me wrong, but that ending was just bad. One more edit, the OST was amazing.

I think the ending worked.. it reminded me of something like a David Lynch movie where things are open ended and many things are left unexplained.. it leaves an uneasy feeling.. 

Lynch did that with Eraserhead, Lost Highway and of course Twin Peaks..  that's sort of the vibe I got here..  I'm not sure I would change the ending.. I of course would love to see more background or expansion on the characters.. but that would go against the mystery and certainly wouldn't be something Lynch would do ..  that's why I like it as it is :)


Really good game, thanks so much!

(3 edits)

I thoroughly enjoyed it, I'm glad the hotel's layout was improved and more light was added.. that little change made a huge difference. The updated and added interactions were well done, and though the ending and revealed plot were not what I expected.. it was a good twist!
Thank you!


Let me tell you that I love this OST. Especially the "Sinking" one.

(1 edit) (-2)

The title says it's about lonely things; then why am I not in the game, I'm a lonely thing. What in the heck frick.


I find myself curious on the mystery of what I call a 'Dark Romance' type of horror XD Well, I'll dive in and give my take.


and the delicious Part 2 - 


Part 3 and one more for this interesting game - 


A great finale, although tons of theories to be had on the meaning

(7 edits) (+1)(-2)

Working my way through the full game which was just updated with a minor fix regarding some of the conversations. Got an email regarding that which is a nice thought. Found it via Markiplier's video of the Demo version. For those that have played the Demo, the complete version is very similar to the Demo to the point where the Demo ends. which is only the beginning. Not 100% the same. A few things have been modified in the full version which is to be expected.

The story continues well past the Demo ending and gets creepier with each task completed. Haven't finished it yet. So far the story shows decent depth in the major characters and the mystery of the hotel. Tasks to be completed all relate to gradually revealing the narrative. IMHO it's a very nicely done Indie game using the Unity engine. Looking forward to seeing Markiplier play the full version. His reactions are priceless!

I'm a big fan of Mark and have been there since his channel started and I must admit, I never saw him play this.. I must have missed out, but in a way I'm glad I did because it let me experience it for the first time on my own without having seen any gameplay footage..

I only got stuck once and was tempted to find a playthrough until it dawned on me.. ( without giving away too much.. the red light switch in the hall ) ..  I wasted about 15 minutes feeling like I hit a dead end in the game or that it glitched out on me or something until i figured it out.

(1 edit) (+1)

Congrats on finishing the game! Judging from the screenshots, looks like you really improved the graphics. Looks so much cleaner and sharper now. I'll play it soon when I can~

EDIT: Hey, it looks like the product can't accept Paypal at the moment? Might want to check that out.

(1 edit) (+1)

Sorry about that - should be good to go now!


Watched Markiplier play this demo and now I'm super excited to play the full game myself! Can't wait until it's released!

Thanks! It shouldn't be too long now at all.  

i really like this game and i can't wait for the full release. 8bitgaming and markiplier have played this which has sent me here

Hey everyone! Today I played the Lonely Things demo which is available for free on My overall impression is that even though it is a little rough around the edges (and not without its bugs) the game is wonderfully done and offers the player a unique experience as they wander around a maniacal hotel and interact with its dubious residents. Overall the game was fun to play and I look forward to the full release later this year!

Id love to see more of this game!

part one so good!

Hello, cool horror game.  Are you interested in some custom music/sfx?  Hit me up here or at my Soundcloud.  I've done work for other projects.

Thanks for checking it out, and for the offer, but I'm handling the music for the game myself.

Enjoyed this greatly! Look forward to a full release!
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